Polymetis Apps Expression Tester for Jira

Expression Tester for Jira

Evaluate Jira Expressions directly in Jira and export them as JSON – must-have for developers, data scientist, and admins

Making Jira Expressions accesible

Expression Tester brings Jira Expression to the forefront of the Jira UI. Finally, an easy way to work with Jira Expression without invoking the REST API. Features include: Easy UI for Jira Expressions Pick Issue & Project for context Apply Jira Expressions to JQL queries Export the results as JSON.

Polymetis Apps Expression Tester screen

Test your custom Conditions & Validators

On Jira Cloud, custom conditions and validators are created with Jira Expressions – with the Expression Tester you can now test drive any expression easily, in one handy place and with any issue you choose.

Simply aggregate the results of JQL queries

Select the issues you are interested in with JQL, then use a Jira Expression to select and aggregate those fields that you need.

Retrieve Jira Data and download as JSON

Got a great Jira Expression that you need the results of for later use? Download as JSON with one simple click.

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